Sunday, October 10, 2010

Taj Mahal

After venturing to the Turkish Market, my boyfriend and I decided to try an Indian Restaurant called the Taj Mahal also located in Bay Ridge, at 7315 3rd Avenue between 73rd and 74th. It was a few blocks away from the Turkish Market I discussed in the earlier post. I read a bunch of positive reviews on Yelp so we decided to check it out.

We arrived on a Wednesday night around 8 oclock. There were only a few other customers in the restaurant but it was a little late for a Wednesday night. Once we arrived we were immediately greeted warmly and asked for our drink orders. My boyfriend ordered the Taj Mahal beer brewed in India, which he enjoyed. I had a sip as well and agreed that it was a refreshing beer that did not fill you up the way some beers do. It was $7.00 for a pint, which I thought was reasonable. I had a glass of the house merlot. I am not usually a fan of merlot, but this was actually decent. You could not beat the price, 3.95 for a glass filled to the top.

On the table was a flat bread that was delicious with the onions and spicy chili sauce. Soon after we ordered, we were giving a complimentary appetizer of Vegetable Pakora, which was delicious. It was especially delicious with the cilantro chutney. I ordered the lamb vindaloo. My boyfriend ordered Chicken Korma and we ordered garlic naan for the table. Our drinks came immediately and the service was sublime. The person who filled our water glass came by the table every other minute, which to be honest became kind of annoying. Besides that the service was perfect.

Shortly after ordering, our food arrived. My boyfriend thoroughly enjoyed the chicken Korma. He doused it in the cilantro chutney, which he thought was similar to Peruvian Aji sauce. I enjoyed my lamb vindaloo, however, I must admit that I had have better lamb vindaloo before. The sauce was a little bland for my taste, still spicy but something was slightly off. The garlic naan was freshly baked and very good, some of the best naan I've ever had. We were given a small pot of rice, which was enough for the portion of the food we ate at the restaurant but not enough for the leftovers we brought home. I would have enjoyed having another pot of rice to bring home to eat with our leftovers.

After eating our meals, we had them wrapped to take home. At that point, we were given a complimentary dessert. It was a thick gelatin pudding that I did not particularly enjoy, which is REALLY saying something since i enjoy most sweet things.

Over all I definitely enjoyed the experience at Taj Mahal, but can not honestly say its some of the best Indian food I have ever had. Baluchis in Manhattan still takes the cake as far as Indian food goes. I would be interested in going back and sampling some of their other cuisine, esp the chicken tikka masala and chicken tandoori. The dilema is that there was so many restaurants to try!

Pul Biber

My very good friend Ayshe makes the most delicious salad you could imagine. It consists of red onion, red cabbage, romaine lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers. Now that may seem pretty basic, however the dressing is what makes the salad. The dressing is a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice, salt, fresh ground black pepper and a Turkish chili pepper called Pul Biber.

Now I have begged my friend Ayshe to please tell me where her family would buy this spice. Every time I asked, she would give me some convoluted story about how I could obtain the spice. She would tell me that they call some number or purchase it online. Every time I called the number she provided me with, they only spoke Turkish, thus discouraging me. I tried to look it up online but was weary of ordering something I could not see to ensure it was the same spice.

Finally, I decided to look up Turkish markets in Brooklyn, close to my new neighborhood of Sunset Park. To my good fortune I found a Turkish market that sold Pul Biber! ( I called beforehand to make sure they sold Pul Biber) You would think it would be easy to find a Turkish Market but there are only a handful in all of Brooklyn.

The market I went to to pick up the Pul Biber was called Turkish Halal Meat and Gorcery and was located at 7919 5th Avenue (between 79th St & 80th St) in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, NY 11209,
(718) 680-5057. In addition to having this wonderful spice, they had an assortment of Turkish delights. They also had bulk bins of nuts, beans, peas and spices. Even if you don't want to buy anything, its a very interesting store to explore.

I always enjoy exploring a new place I am unfamiliar with. I had never been to the Turkish market nor had i been to Bay Ridge, despite growing up only a few blocks north of the neighborhood. I was surprised at how beautiful Bay Ridge was and how varied the types of stores and food choices were. The Turkish Market had so many spices that I was not aware of and will begin to explore in my cooking.

I urge everyone of you to go out and explore different ethnic food markets to discover new tastes and new food options for you to enjoy. Happy Hunting!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunset Park, Brooklyn

Sunset Park, Brooklyn

Welcome! In an effort to try and eat healthier, I have decided to chronicle the types of foods I am finding in my new neighborhood and to try things I have never eaten before.

I am currently living in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. There is a strong Mexican and Asian presence in the neighborhood. 5th Avenue is more Latin, while 7th and 8th Avenue are predominately Asian. Over the next few months, I want to explore both areas and find the cheapest, healthiest food this neighborhood has to offer.

I am also going to write about the different Brooklyn Markets to find the freshest produce and a wide variety of items, spices, meats, oils and wines. There are so many wonderful Markets in Brooklyn and different foods that should be shared!

I will also include basic recipes that I use daily, trying to stay on the healthier side of things because this is my main purpose. to eat more mindfully and healthy, while exploring new foods in my neighborhood.

However, I will start by making hummus that is deliciously and wonderful for you, when eaten in moderate doses. More on that later...
